Links for 1/20/15

by Michael Sean Winters

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Want an example of a "self-referential Church"? Fr. Zuhlsdorf and his readers are offended by the way Holy Communion was distributed at the Pope's Mass in Manila. It is to weep.

Want an example of a Church that is not self-referential? Check out this story on religious women who serve the Chaldean community in Chicago at NCR's Global Sisters report. A study in perseverance and deep, abiding faith. 

Best of all, last night, on CNN, a befuddled Gov. Bobby Jindal did not know what to say when asked to prove his claims about "no go zones" in London, areas where police are unwilling to go because of the neighborhood's control by Muslim fundamentalists. FOX News spent much of the past two weeks fretting about similar "no go zones" in Paris. The only problem? It ain't true. In this video, French TV host Yann Barthes sends out his own reporters to investigate. This is the best video clip of 2015!! If watching it at work, be prepared to laugh out loud.  

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