Links for 12/13/16

by Michael Sean Winters

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Michael Gerson deserves a Pulitzer Prize for his commentary this year regarding Donald Trump. Maybe a Nobel. Here is his latest. The Lingbergh analogy is precise and, regrettably, one that we may be returning to again and again in the next four years. 

At CNS. Archbishop Jose Gomez on immigration and the fear that has beset the Hispanic community. It is good to see the bishops nearly unanimous in their willingness to stand up for our nation's immigrants. Relatedly, here is video of Cardinal Blase Cupich at Mass yesterday for the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe: Tens of thousands braved the snow and the cold to honor Our Lady and to ask for her protection.

How did I miss this? Last Friday, Vatican Radio reported on Pope Francis'  morning homily in which he mentioned the rigidity of certain young priests. The Holy Father likes to tell stories and he has a great sense of humor, but this time he outdid himself. Hilarious. The key quote: 

“About rigidity and worldliness, it was some time ago that an elderly monsignor of the curia came to me, who works, a normal man, a good man, in love with Jesus – and he told me that he had gone to buy a couple of shirts at Euroclero [the clerical clothing store] and saw a young fellow - he thinks he had not more than 25 years, or a young priest or about to become a priest - before the mirror, with a cape, large, wide, velvet, with a silver chain. He then took the Saturno [wide-brimmed clerical headgear], he put it on and looked himself over. A rigid and worldly one. And that priest – he is wise, that monsignor, very wise - was able to overcome the pain, with a line of healthy humor and added: ‘And it is said that the Church does not allow women priests!’. Thus, does the work that the priest does when he becomes a functionary ends in the ridiculous, always.”



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