Links for 12/19/16

by Michael Sean Winters

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In Politico, a story about how the city of Albuquerque, New Mexico, by giving the homeless a job for a day, is helping some of them find a bit of human dignity and even longer term employment. Is it too much to hope that cities will become the laboratories of democracy again? 

At Huffington Post, a report on two of the members of the Puerto Rico fiscal oversight board and why having them in that position is like asking the fox to mind the hen house. 

At the New York Review of Books, Mark Danner on "The Real Trump." This piece is both cogent and terrifying, perhaps the best article yet that captures the aura of disbelief that seems to still wave over us all every few days. But, be prepared to be depressed by the time you finish it. One of many money quotes: 

His blithe lack of respect for speaking the truth, his indifference to the strictures of the public record, are unprecedented in an American president and can find their parallels only in European leaders of the 1930s. In this as in other matters, there is no reason to expect a wholesale transformation when candidate Trump becomes President Trump. After all—in that ringing affirmation that he must hear echoing always in his ears—he won. Everyone told him he was destroying himself with feuds and attacks and angry tweets and in the end he won. Why would he change, even if he could?

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