March Madness: Go Huskies!

by Michael Sean Winters

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No one expected the UConn men's basketball team to make it to the Final Four. This year, it was our women's team who looked to have a clean shot at a still likely final against Notre Dame, both teams being undefeated this year and loaded with talent. But, our men's team is also headed to the Final Four, based almost entirely on our strong defense and good foul shooting, which explains in large part why college ball is so different from the NBA where there is no defense and even the stars have trouble making a free throw. 

I love March Madness. I deprecate, entirely, playing games in big stadiums and the Final Four will be played in the biggest of them all, the Dallas Cowboys' home stadium in what is now strangely called "North Texas," when it used to be called "Arlington." The stadium is so big you can see it easily when landing at DFW. And, I deprecate, entirely, the way officials now have to re-check their work with video replays in the last two minutes of every game, which completely destroys the rhythm of the game. But, if there is any better sporting event to watch than men's and women's college basketball, I do not know it. Go UConn! I only regret that we did not get to beat Duke en route to the Final Four, but it is unseemly to be greedy. 

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