Marvin Olasky Takes on Ayn Rand

by Michael Sean Winters

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Marvin Olasky is not exactly a screaming leftie. But, he has a post up today in which he calls on conservatives to disassociate themselves from one of their heroes, Ayn Rand. Interestingly, Olasky says that there is still room for libertarians in the conservative ranks, something I think is not tenable in the long term, but he says there is no room for anti-Christians like Rand. Importantly, he calls on those who invoke Rand, from Congressman Paul Ryan to Rush Limbaugh, to explain what they do, and do not, like about Rand. Not sure how that will play out as there is nothing, repeat nothing, about rand that is worth salvaging. Some defenders say you can set aside Rand's anti-Christian views but embrace her economic and socio-cultural views, but those views are just as anti-Christian in their essence as her more explicitly anti-religious statements.
Nonetheless, you can forgive me for smiling at the prospect of conservatives warring with each other over Rand's significance. It is like the Iran-Iraq war.

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