The Midterms Cometh

by Michael Sean Winters

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At, this morning, they pose five key questions that will be answered in the month of September:

  1. Who gets thrown to the wolves first? Democratic campaign committees have plenty of cash, but not nearly enough to go around. Some incumbents are going to be left for dead sooner rather than later, if the pressure on Democrats keeps mounting;
  2. Does a rising tide of GOP cash lift all boats? With the House unquestionably in play, it should get easier for Republican challengers to raise money. Pre-primary reports filed over the summer showed many of them are still at a daunting disadvantage;
  3. Where do Democrats play offense? On every level – in House, Senate and governor’s races – Democrats have the chance to hold down their net losses by going on the attack. By the end of the month, we should largely know which declared targets are real and which have slipped away;
  4. Are there any more Republican primary surprises? There are just a few primaries left on the calendar, but in a few of them – in Delaware, New Hampshire and elsewhere – the GOP could make Democratic lives easier if they choose more flawed nominees;
  5. Does the Democratic base engage? This could be the decisive question of the cycle. It’s no surprise that the out party’s supporters have been more fired up so far. But if Democrats can’t narrow the enthusiasm gap this close to November, it’s fair to wonder if they ever will.

Starting after Labor Day, here at Distinctly Catholic, I will be looking at some key races, especially those that appear to be turning on issues of importance to Catholics such as those involving pro-life Democrats who voted for health care reform. Stay tuned.

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