Miller to Trivial Pursuit

by Michael Sean Winters

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If the latest poll is to be believed, Alaska GOP Seante candidate and Tea Party favorite Joe Miller is headed not to the U.S. Senate but to a mossible appearance as an answer to an especially difficult Trivial Pursuit question.

He has plummetted to third place behind "Write-In" and Democrat Scott Adams.
Additionally, the poll was in the field as news was breaking -- and before it set in -- that Miller had tried to cover-up his own misdeed in using government computers to conduct partisan political work.

I am hoping that the eventual Trivial Pursuit question will be: "Name the five Tea Party candidates who lost their Senate bids in 2010?" But, maybe it will be only "Name the three Tea Party candidates..." But, one thing is increasingly likely. Christine O'Donnell and Joe Miller were not ready for prime time, and there is a lesson in that for the GOP.

Whether the GOP learns that lesson or not will largely determine the party's future.

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