More Lies From the Right

by Michael Sean Winters

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In commenting on my post yesterday, reacting to the letter sent to Speaker John Boehner by a group of Catholic academics, has this to say: "Thus the argument that Boehner’s appearance at Catholic University is similar to Obama’s appearance at Notre Dame relies on the preposterous suggestion that cutting taxpayer support for welfare programs is as morally offensive as forcing taxpayer support for the destruction of unborn children."
Excuse me? What precisely did President Obama do in the way of "forcing taxpayer support for the destruction of unborn children"? This is a canard. Even when pro-life groups could not convince enough Senators to support the Stupak Amendment as part of the health care overhaul, President Obama signed an executive order essentially applying the Stupak restrictions to the new bill.
And, while we are at it, yes, programs that help pregnant women help prevent the destruction of unborn children. What precisely have the Republicans accomplished to protect the unborn?

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