More on Pro-life Dems

by Michael Sean Winters

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I had reached out to former Congresswoman Kathy Dahlkemper for a comment about the Democrats for Life of America and their petition asking for a "big tent" on abortion in the party's platform. I wrote about this yesterday.

The comment arrived too late for my post yesterday, but it is worth posting on its own. Here is Dahlkemper's comment:

When I was running for Congress, my Democratic primary opponents questioned whether I was a “real” Democrat because of my pro-life stance.

I always refer to myself as a whole life Democrat and have fought for issues that Democrats hold dear including health care reform, a clean environment and educational opportunities for everyone. My whole life position also includes protecting the unborn. That position does not and should not negate my membership in the Democratic Party nor should people ever question my Party Affiliation due to my stance on abortion. There needs to be room for all Democrats in our big tent party so we can fight for the issues we all believe in.

I ask you - and I ask all of our pro-life friends on the other side of the aisle - is this not a statement that encapsulates the best of the entire Catholic social teaching? As Catholics we care about the unborn and the newborn. We care about the environment and education. We care about the poor. To speak about these other issues does not in any way diminish our commitment to the unborn. Indeed, it places that concern for the unborn in its proper place, as linked inextricably with our other moral concerns.

The 2010 elections saw many good people go down to defeat, but few losses hurt more than Dahlkemper's. Pennsylvania's GOP-led legislature redrew district lines in ways that may make it difficult for her or other great pro-life Dems to win again. But, I hope we will see more of this remarkable woman in some capacity in the public square.

If you haven't signed DFLA's online petition, you can do so by clicking here.

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