Msgr. Lorenzo Albacete: Requiem Aeternam

by Michael Sean Winters

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This morning, Monsignor Lorenzo Albacete died. I will have a fuller tribute to this most remarkable man and priest on Monday. But, as soon as I learned this crushing news, I knew I had to re-read an article he wrote in the NYTimes. There, he wrote: "The roots of grief arise from a wound deeper than the psychological or the cultural. It is at that level in ourselves where we decide what we can or cannot expect of life, what is just or unjust, what is the purpose and value of our existence." The roots of grief go very far down this morning. I had expected from life more time with Lorenzo. That struck me as just, purposeful and valuable. And, so, without that, I grieve along with many, many others whose lives he touched.

You can read the full article here.

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