MSW: I Told You So!

by Michael Sean Winters

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Hate to brag, but over a month ago, I wrote about how Hispanics in Nevada, many motivated by down-ballot races for the state legislature, were likely to carry Sen. Harry Reid across the finish line. Well, so it came to pass, Ben Smith reports at Politico. Reid got a whopping 90& of the Hispanic vote in his race against Sharron Angle. In California, Carly Fiorina garnered a mere 28% of the Hispanic vote, despite the efforts of conservavtive Catholics groups like the American Principles Project to get Latinos to "Votas Tus Valores," as their bus tour said. Professor Robert George, who runs the APP, may need a primer in basic electoral politics: People "value" not having their family members deported more than they value the Gold Standard.
Sen. Reid needs to try and find a way to get immigration reform to a vote in the Senate. All through this divisive campaign, even while Sen. John McCain was stepping back from his pro-immigrant credentials to suit the politics of the day, his staff has been in consultation with Sen. Schumer and others on the issue of immigration reform. Even if there is not way to get it passed, Reid has an obligation to Latinos to try, and the let the record show that it is Republicans, not Democrats, who defeat it.

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