Must-Read on Egypt: \"Bin Laden's Nightmare\"

by Michael Sean Winters

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Over at Politico Shibley Telhami has a really smart article that argues the unfolding of events in Egypt represents bin Laden's nightmare. He has argued that the violence and the murder of innocents is the path to political change. The peaceful protests have achieved what radicals like bin Laden have failed to achieve, the overthrown of an entrenched dictator, and it achieved it without recourse to violence.
In Anmerica, where the ranters on the right warn of the introduction of Sharia into the courtrooms of South Carolina, they tend to lump all Muslims together. Yesterday, at the CPAC Conference, Rick Santorum chided President Obama for his failure to embrace the protests in Iran last year, evidently unaware that the best propaganda weapon anyone could give the hateful regime there would be to paint the protesters as tools of America. The quality of analysis about the Muslim world on the right is shockingly unsophisticated. It is also dangerous. And it is completely wrong, as Telhami shows, about the overthrown of Mubarak.

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