New Blog on Moral Theology

by Michael Sean Winters

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A new blog has been launched,, consisting of fifteen mostly up-and-coming moral theologians, weighing in on both the news of the day and important academic debates. One of the founders, Professor Charles Camosy, will be a familiar name to NCR readers - I ran a review of his new book recently.
Moral issues remain at the heart of the estuary where religion and politics meet. As often as not, I remain convinced that this is aprt of the problem, that a fixation on moral questions can obscure the pressing need for a New Evangelization. But, moral questions torment us because living a moral life is difficult, especially when we live in an age of so many competing moralities. (This is one free market that neo-cons do not appreciate!) The questions posed by moral theology matter, and they matter to our every day life. Already, the new blog has intelligent commentary on President Obama's speech last night.
So, readers will want to add this new blog to your "favorites" list. It promises intelligent commentary on issues that matter to us all. And, coming from young theologians, who bring new perspectives to ancient questions, it promises to be engaging and rigorous, two qualities so often lacking in mainstream commentary.

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