The New Bp of Bridgeport

by Michael Sean Winters

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No, the Bollettino at the Vatican website did not announce the name of a new bishop of Bridgeport this morning. But, yesterday, in the Washington Post, this article profiled Msgr. Robert Weiss, the pastor at St. Rose of Lima Church in Newtown, Connecticut who became, over the weekend, the face of the Catholic Church in the U.S. and, indeed, the face of Christ to those who were mourning. He never once reduced the enormity of the sorrow to something canned or formulaic. He never once pretended to have an answer to the question of why this tragedy had occurred. He was not afraid to appear very human, admitting that at the end of that first day what he really wanted was a scotch. I have no inside information about who is on the Nuncio's terna to be the next bishop of Bridgeport, or even if they have drawn up a terna yet. But, if they have, I would throw it in the garbage and ask the Holy Father to name Msgr. Weiss the new Bishop of Bridgeport. I am sure he would rather stay in his parish, but the Church in the US desperately needs bishops who are capable of showing the face of Christ in unthinkable circumstances. His appointment would be welcomed, I suspect, by acclamation in Bridgeport and nationwide,

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