New Evangelization Watch: Sherwood Pictures

by Michael Sean Winters

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Yes, I know that Sherwood Pictures is the product of a Christian Church that is not Catholic. But, Timothy Dalrymple looks at how one Baptist Church is trying to create culture by making Christian movies. A faith that does not generate culture is a dead faith. And, no one should be more aware of that than us Catholics: Western culture would look pretty slim if you removed the Catholic influences upon it.
So, why is one Baptist Church in Georgia succeeding at producing movies and the Catholic Church in the U.S. with its vast array of Catholic colleges and universities, is not? Because "Catholic Identity" has usually been reduced to banning pro-choice speakers from campuses. Because our ideas about "Catholic Identity" are crimped. Because, for complex historical reasons, we have been so eager to gain access to mainstream culture, our Catholic writers and actors and producers have been willing to leave their catholic sensibilities at the door. Not all, of course. Where would we be without Flannery O'Connor? Who was not moved by "Brideshead Revisited"?
But, here is a challenge to Catholic university presidents: Invite your music and drama and architecture and fine arts programs to generate Catholic culture.

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