Non-Story Hysteria Watch

by Michael Sean Winters

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According to Politico, the Republicans in Congress have declined to "fix" the requirement of the new health care law that forces small business to file a 1099 tax form for every vendor with whom they contract for more than $600. This provision has been "universally panned." And the GOP wants a nice, populist, anti-big, intrusive government issued tee'd up and ready to go in the new year.
Well, in the spirit of entrepreneurial capitalism, might I suggest that the "fix" that is needed is not a legislative one, but a logistical one. Small businesses need an application for their inventory software, that's all. Most small business know exactly how much they are buying from each vendor, they have the vendor's address, they have all that information already. How else would you be able to do an inventory and know what to order and from whom? I am a computer Luddite, but I am sure someone in the Obama White House knows a smart computer genius who can "fix" this terrible 1099 problem in a heartbeat, and make a little money doing it in the meantime.

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