Obama Lights National Christmas Tree

by Michael Sean Winters

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President Obama gave a fine, short speech before lighting the national Christmas tree yesterday. The video is here.
I have only one complaint. Why is the national Christmas tree so garish? The tree on the grounds of the U.S. Capitol is always quite beautiful. Why is the one outside the White House covered in strange looking, illuminated ornaments?
Christmas decorations seem to grow more hideous every year. In my neighborhood, there are several houses that are covered in lights, with santa and reindeer and God knows what else illumined on the lawn, but all the electricity does nothing to illuminate the meaning of the holiday. Another neighbor has a modest creche scene, but the Holy Family looks mighty Aryan to me. If only we could deck our souls as we deck our homes. Listen to Bach's great chorale prelude Schmucke Dich to get into the real, plaintive sensibility of the season. Here is a recording.
And, Mr. President, can you do something about that tree!

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