O'Reilly's Little Fists

by Michael Sean Winters

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You have to admire the bravery of CUA Professors Stephen Schneck and Vincent Miller for going on the Bill O'Reilly show last night to discuss the letter that many Catholic academics signed encouraging Speaker John Boehner to do a better job lining up his policies with Catholic social teaching, especially as regards funding for the programs that aid the poor.

Unsurprisingly, O'Reilly drew false distinctions about the difference between "advanced capitalist countries" and "quasi-Socialist" countries, and he outright lied about the letter being unsigned by any bishops: I am told by the people who initiated this letter that it came from academics exclusively and no bishops were asked to sign it.

But, O'Reilly's foolishness cannot go unanswered, and it is a rare breed of man or woman who relishes the idea of dealing with the idiot pugilists at Fox. Hats off to Schneck and Miller for standing up to this blowhard and explicitly demonstrating the moral neccesity of protecting the poor in budgetary decisions.

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