With Palin: Discard Traditional Categories

by Michael Sean Winters

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It is almost comical to watch pundits analyze Sarah Palin as if she were just like other politicians. She is not. By way of example, Politico has an article today about Bristol Palin, in which she discusses politics nad her personal life. The header with the link on the homepage at Politico reads "Bristol talks politics, personal life." The editors did not even feel the need to list her last name although there is a photo.
Ask yourself this. Does anyone know the name of Gov. Tim Pawlenty's children? Does anyone know if Sen. John Thune has children?
Ask yourself this: Who are those people who are identified only by their first name? Oprah is. Bono is. Diana was. When you break into the culture in such a way that only your first name need be used, and when your claim to the culture's attention is that your Mom was a less-than-full term Governor of Alaska, that Mom has broken through standard categories of political analysis.

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