Peters Responds to Moi

by Michael Sean Winters

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Canon lawyer Edward Peters has responded to my post earlier today about the brouhaha he has begun regarding the fitness of the Governor of New York to present himself for communion.
Alas, at the moment I discovered his reply, I thought it my obligation to post it, not just leave it in a comment, which I have now done. At that same moment, a stiff breeze came through the window, reminding me that I am on holiday, that just outside the window are at least eight shades of turqoise water crashing against the unbelievably soft sand of Luqillo beach, and that as I am just finishing a very delicious but very large margarita, I had best respond tomorrow.
I will say this for the moment. Mr. Peters has rendered a thoughtful reply and those who are interested in this subject should read it - before margarita time. I promise to do so this weekend and reply with a thoughtful reply, if not tomorrow, soon.

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