Phoenix: What if an H.E. Gets Sick?

by Michael Sean Winters

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Among the things I learned this week, attending the inauguration of John Garvey as President of CUA, was that this year's annual scholarship fundraiser, the "American Cardinals' Dinner," is scheduled for early May in Phoenix. At these events, all the American cardinals come together in a different city for Mass and a $1,000 a plate dinner that raises money for scholarships. They are very festive occasions. I am sure that Phoenix was chosen because the owner of the Arizona Cardinals is a large contributor to the university.
Of course, such decisions are made long in advance, and the officials at CUA could not have known about the controversy that would soon engulf Phoenix because the bishop decided to de-Catholicize St. Joseph's Hospital. They are no longer permitted to reserve the Blessed Sacrament and no Masses can be held at their chapel. So, I have a question. What if one of the cardinals at the CUA dinner takes ill and has to go to the hospital? Can one of the Eminences say Mass at St. Joseph's?

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