Prayer Vigil For Dream Act

by Michael Sean Winters

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Religious leaders will be holding a prayer vigil tonight within the shadow of the U.S. Capitol at Trinity Lutheran Church here in Washington to urge passage of the DREAM Act. Among those in attendance will be Lucina Martinez, a nineteen year old girl from San Antonio who has been on a 27-day hunger strike to urge Congress to pass the DREAM Act.

Of course, what they need to pray for is some courage in the ranks of Republicans who have supported the bill in the past but who are now nervously looking over their should at the prospect of a Tea Party challenger, arguing that they voted for amnesty.

Hey, if someone is brought to this country as a child by their parents, is forced to live in the shadows, and still wants to serve this country in the military or by going to college, they have done more to earn their citizenship than most of us. I wish there was some possibility for an amendment that would strip feckless, cowardly Republicans Senators of their citizenship if they voted for the DREAM Act previously but are running from it now.

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