The Press & The Pastor

by Michael Sean Winters

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The less said about Pastor Terry Jones the better. I knew they grew fruit in Florida but now we know they grow nuts too.

One interesting aspect of this has been the media fascination. A story that should be relegated to the tabloids in the supermarket checkout line dominated national coverage last night. I do not blame the press for doing so: By the time the Secretary of Defense is involved, this is a bona fide news story. But, the whole situation recalled an incident from the late 1940s. The newly installed Archbishop of Washington, Patrick O’Boyle, began the integration of the Catholic churches and schools. He knew that if the opposition to desegregation was allowed to organize, his task would be more difficult. And, so, working through Father Philip Hannan (who would go on to become Archbishop of New Orleans), O’Boyle persuaded the local newspapers not to publish any articles about the desegregation efforts.

I am no fan of nostalgia, but…

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