Pro-Life RCs and the GOP

by Michael Sean Winters

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Sen. John McCain yesterday made clear what he thought the priorities of the GOP should be:

"As far as young women are concerned, absolutely, I don't think anybody like me — I can state my position on abortion, but, other than that, leave the issue alone, when we are in the kind of economic situation and, frankly, national security situation we're in," McCain told "Fox News Sunday.

"Leave the issue alone"?????

Last week, I warned progressive Catholics not to be a "cheap date" for the Obama administration, to demand that in exchange for our political support, we should expect the President to address our concerns. Now, it is time to warn conservative Catholics not to become a "cheap date" for the GOP. The Republicans' stance on economic issues grows further and further away from the principles of Catholic social teaching. Their warlike foreign policy when they last held the reins of power was a far cry from just war theory. If they are going to let the issue of abortion alone, what do they have left to offer? So far, no comment on Sen. McCain's interview over at Lifesitenews!


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