Q & A: Katie Ellis on the Tea Party

by Michael Sean Winters

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This week's Q & A on the Tea Party finishes with a comment from Katie Ellis, Acting Executive Director of the Delaware Democratic Party. As her brief comments suggest, and as the most recent polls for the Delaware Senate race confirm, the Dems in Delaware do not appear to be sweating it.

The question: Will the Tea Party be a blessing or a curse for the GOP in November?

Katie Ellis: I think the Tea Party is a symptom -- people are fed up with "politics as usual" in Washington, and looking for a change. Too often, progress is being blocked for purely political reasons, and the American people are fed up with it. When people elect leaders, they expect them to lead.

At the end of the day, I don't believe the Tea Party will fully encompass that voter frustration. With the Tea Party, and the Republican Party as a whole, I know what they oppose but I don't know very much about what they stand for. We're seeing a lot of momentum on the Democratic side for our proactive solutions to solving Delaware's problems.

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