RC Leaders Urge Bishops to Defend Anti-Poverty Programs

by Michael Sean Winters

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Every few months, another right-wing groups attacks the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) or Catholic Relief Services (CRS), usually leveling a charge of guilt by association because one of these anti-poverty organizations finds itself, in the field, aligned with other groups that do not share the Church's teachings in one regard or another. It would all be foolish if it were not so insidious. In advance of next week's USCCB meeting, a group of prominent Catholic leaders, clergy and laity, scholars and activists, are urging the bishops to defend their own programs more forcefully in the face of these attacks. You can read more it here. Kudos to Faith in Public Life for organizing the group and for the report they issued earlier this year detailing the abusive and unChristian tactics of these holier-than-thou critics of the bishops' twin anti-poverty programs. 

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