RC Night at the Veep's

by Michael Sean Winters

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The Christmas Party at the Vice Presidential residence last night was not labeled as a "Catholic night" but it sure had that feel. We walked through the metal detectors with Archbishop Pietro Sambi, the Apostolic Nuncio who lives right across the street. We stood in line to greet the Vice President and his wife with columnist E. J. Dionne.

(N.B. When you have to go to one of these affairs, make sure you get in line with someone interesting like E.J.! Otherwise, the wait could be painful.)

We shared a glass of wine with DNC chair Tim Kaine, the former governor of Virginia. And, of course, there was the Vice-President himself, the highest ranking Catholic in the land. There were non-Catholics of course among the staffers, newswriters, and politicos, but it was nice to see how thoroughly prominent we RCs are.

All in all, it was a great night to be inside from the cold and a great night to hang out with fellow RCs.

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