The Real Problem with Bachmann's Speech

by Michael Sean Winters

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All of Washington is abuzz with the fact that during her response to the State of the Union, Michelle Bachmann was looking at the wrong camera. This was indeed disconcerting.

But, the real problem was that when we turn into to watch Bachmann, we want her to be off the charts crazy and last night she was only mendacious. She twisted the unemployment numbers to make it look like they were the result of President Obama's policies, neglecting to mention the Wall Street inspired economic meltdown, a meltdown that was arrested first by George Bush's massive bailout and later by Obama's much maligned Stimulus Bill.

But, I wanted her to defend the statement she made the other day that the Founding Fathers did away with slavery, or her claim from a few months back that the Navy was dispatching dozens of ships to India for the President's visit there, or to at least offer some serious reservations about whether or not Obama was really born where he claims he was.

Or, maybe, just maybe, she could have dressed up as a George Washington impersonator? Maybe an Abigail Adams impersonator? What good is having a Tea Party response if it is only lame and not full-blown crazy?

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