RealClearReligion Not So Clear

by Michael Sean Winters

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The website, RealClearReligion, is a kind of clearinghouse for links, but they display a disturbing bias to mostly highlight articles that lean right and hard right. As Reagan used to joke, the problem with his administration was that the right hand never knew what the far right hand was doing.
Of course, a bit of ideological leaning one way or another is fine, indeed, I am nervous most among those who claim not to lean at all. But, yesterday, RCR put up a link to an article at Catholic Vote, by Brad Birzer, that focused on the multiple ways truth is devalued in our contemporary media culture. The essay had a college paper quality to it, but it made some fine points and even took aim at Rush Limbaugh. But, the headline to the link at RCR was "Obama and a Post-Modern World of Untruth" even though Obama himself played almost no role in the essay.
I have long been skeptical of RealClearReligion. But, it is appalling to find that it is not only unclear, in this instance, it is not even very real.

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