RIP: Father Kurt Pritzl, O.P.

by Michael Sean Winters

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Here is a statement from Catholic University President John Garvey on the death of Father Kurt Pritzl, O.P.
I was fortunate to meet Father Pritzl when he was a layman teaching at CUA in the early 1980s. I remember him leaving the faculty to become a Dominican novice and admiring his courage in abandoning his career to follow God's call. That courage never left him. He had been through three years of hell battling cancer, but in that battle his faith shone through as clear as day. When I would run into him on campus, he never once uttered a word of self-pity or despair, indeed he turned the conversation to the events of the day and to my own activities. He was a truly lovely man in every regard, with a stellar intellect, a gift for teaching, and a kindness that was extended to all. It breaks my heart to think of him taken from us so young.
Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and may perpetual light shine upon him.

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