Ron Paul Takes On Sean Hannity

by Michael Sean Winters

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UPDATE: The link has been fixed.
I am not much of a fan of Congressman Ron Paul, the libertarian darling whose views are not my own. But, he did a fine job in an appearance on the Sean Hannity show, debunking Hannity's fear-mongering as regards the introduction of sharia law in the United States which is, I would submit, a reasonably unlikely possibility and is invoked by Hannity and others merely to whip up anti-Muslim bigotry.
The relationship of religious law to civil law is not a new concern. In 1765, in his first published work, John Adams penned "A Dissertation on the Canon and the Feudal Law" in which Adams vented his own anti-Catholic prejudices. Adams outgrew his anti-Romish bigotry but I wouldn't hold my breathe to anticipate Hannity will outgrow his.

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