See For Yourself

by Michael Sean Winters

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In my main post this morning, I mentioned the letter from Bishop Stephen Blaire and Bishop Richard Pates to all members of Congress, written on behalf of the USCCB. Here is a link to the text of the letter so you can see for yourself how out of whack the Ryan budget is with the vision sketched by our bishops.

It is, I think, incumbent upon those of us on the left side of the political divide to do more to call attention to these statements from the bishops. It is better than moaning about the bishops being tools of the Republican Party. I am especially appalled by teh suggestion of some that the whole religious liberty issue was contrived by the bishops to throw darts at the administration. This assertion is easily belied by the calendar: Last summer, when the USCCB formed its ad hoc committee on religious liberty, how could they have known that President Obama would, six months later, make such a hash of things. Of course, there are some Obama-haters who wear miters and they are delighted to have an issue to bash the President and if it was not for the religious liberty issue, they would have found another. But, many bishops are also appalled at the budgetary priorities of the GOP and it is foolish of the rest of us not to pay attention to these letters to Congress and statements from the USCCB that give the lie to the idea that the GOP is the party of true religion.

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