Sometimes, Tories Are Right

by Michael Sean Winters

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E. J. Dionne is almost always spot-on. And, in this morning's column, E. J. looks at the debt ceiling, credit downgrade mess with his usual incisiveness. But, I especially liked the quotes at the end of the piece from a member of the UK's Conservative Party:

“As a political strategist, he is often underestimated,” this shrewd politician said of Obama. “He’s playing a longer game.” While “the Republicans have allowed the Tea Party tail to wag the dog .?.?. Obama will be able to say, ‘I believe in spending cuts, but I also believe that the richest in the country should pay a little more.’?” Republicans will counter by arguing for steep cuts in Medicare and other popular programs, but he noted that where public opinion is concerned, this will give Obama the high ground.

Then came the downside: that Obama “seems to be a passive figure at a time when the world needs a leader.”

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