Stewart v. O'Reilly

by Michael Sean Winters

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When Jon Stewart goes on Bill O'Reilly's show, you can be sure the result will be entertaining. At issue was O'Reilly's obsession with the fact that rapper Common was part of a White House poetry event, despite the fact that he has spoken out on behalf of two individuals he believes were falsely convicted of killing policement.
Of course, by O'Reilly's standards, no one who has taken a controversial position fruaght with moral significance, should be invited to the White House. My question: What about those who lived there? For example, Thomas Jefferson was a slave owner who begat children from one of his slaves. Which is worse, raising the possibility that someone might be falsely accused in a criminal proceeding or owning other human beings? We know that some of our greatest presidents such as FDR and JFK had affairs? Is that not worse than thinking a jury might have gotten it wrong?
In any event, here is the link to the video.

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