Those Unlikely Voters

by Michael Sean Winters

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The Washington Post/ABC News poll released yesterday shows an alarming gap between those deemed "likely voters" and those who are registered to vote but probably won't make it to the polls on Tuesday. This has been a constant dynamic in virtually every poll all year.

Still, the numbers are astounding. While only 42% of likely voters approve of President Obama's handling of the economy, 48% of unlikely voters approve. And while 45% of likely voters trust the GOP to do a better job coping with the main problems the nation faces, compared to 41% who trust the Democrats, among unlikely voters, 55% trust the Dems compared to only 29% who trust the Republicans.

It is clear that these numbers have put the fear of God into the Democrats. But, it is a Calvinistic God. Fear and anger motivate voters more than tepid approval. It is depressing.

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