Three Cheers on Immigration

by Michael Sean Winters

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The Obama Administration is finally realizing that there are steps it can take to adjust our nation's bankrupt immigration policies short of a comprehensive reform. It announced a new set of procedures that do not automatically deport undocumented workers who have committed no crimes.
This is a small step in the direction of sanity, but a step nonetheless. The courts were getting clogged with deportation cases for people who had no criminal records, and were consequently unable to process cases against those undocumented workers who actually have committed crimes. Additionally, the new policy is a clear step towards recognizing that justice demands we recognize the rights of immigrants and move towards a system that treats them as human beings first and as undocumented second.
It would be nice to see the USCCB, which is often quick to criticize, at the front of the line in praising the new policy.

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