Too Nutty for Fox?

by Michael Sean Winters

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You know the old expression, "He is as nutty as a fruitcake!"? Well, I have never eaten a fruitcake, so while I understand the metaphor it never really resonates with me. I suspect there are many other non-fruitcake eaters out there. Well, now we have a better metaphor: Nuttier than Glenn Beck.
Beck is so nutty, he has been cut from Fox News' line-up. Think about that for a moment. You have to really try to be too nutty for Fox. They allow birthers to air their inane charges. They had Michelle Bachmann on to say, without being asked for any information to support the claim, that the entire U.S. Navy was being redeployed for President Obama's trip to India. On a nightly basis, Sean Hannity picks and chooses from his slim understanding of history to make tendentious points. Fox is Fruitcake Central.
But, Mr. Beck is evidently too much. I wish we had access to the internal memos. Was it the charge that both Presidents Bush, and their respective Joint Chiefs, declined to bomb "ancient Babylon" because of its role in the re-establishment of the Caliphate? Was it his attack on churches that preach social justice? Who knows. But, in the event, good riddance.

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