The Vatican Addresses Muslims

by Michael Sean Winters

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Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran, President of the Council on Interreligious Dialogue, has issued a statement marking the end of Ramadan.

The key section: "There are many causes for violence among believers of different religious traditions, including: the manipulation of the religion for political or other ends; discrimination based on ethnicity or religious identity; divisions and social tensions. Ignorance, poverty, underdevelopment are also direct or indirect sources of violence among as well as within religious communities. May the civil and religious authorities offer their contributions in order to remedy so many situations for the sake of the common good of all society! May the civil authorities safeguard the primacy of the law by ensuring true justice to put a stop to the authors and promoters of violence!"
Newt Gingrich, Glenn Beck, Andrew McCarthy, Rick Lazio, et al., please take note.

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