Vatican Condemns \"Koran Burning Day\"

by Michael Sean Winters

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The Holy See this morning has issued a statement from the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue condemning the planned "Koran Burning Day" in Florida.

"The Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue received with great concern the news of the proposed "Koran Burning Day" on the occasion of the Anniversary of the September 11th tragic terrorist attacks in 2001 which resulted in the loss of many innocent lives and considerable material damage," the Vatican statement reads. "These deplorable acts of violence, in fact, cannot be counteracted by an outrageous and grave gesture against a book considered sacred by a religious community. Each religion, with its respective sacred books, places of worship and symbols, has the right to respect and protection. We are speaking about the respect to be accorded the dignity of the person who is an adherent of that religion and his/her free choice in religious matters."
Full text can be found here.

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