The Vile Influence of Consultants

by Michael Sean Winters

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Something about the response to Robert Gibbs’ comments about the possibility of a GOP takeover of Congress in the fall elections bothered me all day. The quotes denouncing Gibbs were all from fundraisers and campaign consultants, but it failed to note the linkage between the two groups.

It is true that a comment like the one Gibbs made may make it harder for some fundraisers to shakedown those donors who are not committed ideologically to either party but want to guarantee access to power with their contributions. A companion article in Politico noted that the Republicans had dispatched their fundraisers to Wall Street, armed with the argument, confirmed by Gibbs, that they could win, and if they did win, certainly these fat cat donors would want to know they had contributed to that victory. Both parties have shamefully used these tactics to get money from these fundraising mercenaries. Which is why money gums up the works on all pieces of major legislation.

But, the Wall Street fat cats are not the only mercenaries. Ever wonder where all those campaign funds go? Fundraisers and campaign consultants always make sure that they are first in line to receive the campaign cash. But, Gibbs understands that there is something more valuable than a few extra dollars, namely, changing the narrative of the election. It may not line the pockets of the consultants, but it may help the Democrats hold on in some key, close races.

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