Wanna Get Scared? Meet the Incoming House GOP

by Michael Sean Winters

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Politics Daily looks at some of the incoming House GOP freshmen. Be afraid, be very afraid.

Nothing much more than slogans from most, but the cream of the crop is Ben Quayle, son of the gramatically challenged former vice president who declared in one of his television commercials that Barack Obama is the "worst president in history."

I wonder if Mr. Quayle can name all the presidents. And, on what basis does he rank Obama below such stars of the netherworld as Ulysees Grant, whose administration was mired in scandals, or Herbert Hoover who failed to take any decisive action for three years after the Depression hit, or Millard Fillmore who -- what did Fillmore do? -- or James Polk and James Buchanan who both made sure the Civil War would be forthcoming.

Oh, and then there was Nixon, who looks decidedly moderate compared to this crowd but who, Quayle might learn from his history books, subverted the Constitution and resigned in disgrace. The whole lot is better than Obama in his book.

The Democrats have not yet selected a new chair of the DCCC, but whoever it is should make as their first order of business doing the Republic a favor and making Mr. Quayle a one-term congressman.

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