Wassup at Congregation for Bishops?

by Michael Sean Winters

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The answer to the question - wassup with the Congregation for Bishops? - is above the pay grade of my sources. But, it is astonishing that Cardinal Marc Ouellet has not yet been confirmed in his post as prefect of that all-important congregation. Cardinal Filoni has been confirmed. Cardinal Turkson has been confirmed. Archbishop Muller has been confirmed. Cardinal Canizares has not been confirmed, but he is expected to head back to Spain as Archbishop of Madrid. 

I do not know how episcopal appointments have gone in other countries, but in the U.S., most of the appointments made on +Ouellet's watch have been a disaster, clearly showing the on-going influence of Cardinals Burke and Harvey. Even if +Ouellet is confirmed, the Holy Father needs to think of replacing +Burke with someone more in tune with the themes of this papacy. 

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