\"Whole Life Heroes\" Makes Its Debut

by Michael Sean Winters

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Democrats for Life of America has a new website that champions “Whole Life Heroes,” those pro-life members of Congress, all Democrats, who supported health care reform after ensuring that the law was amended to ensure that there would be no federal funding of abortion. The site includes fact checks about the bill as well as profiles of these courageous members of Congress.

“Pro life Democrats provided the final votes needed to pass health care reform. These Democrats stood up for pro-life principles during the healthcare debate and delivered needed reforms that protect life at all stages,” said Kristen Day, Executive Director of Democrats for Life of America in a press release announcing the new website. “Now we are standing up for these Whole Life Heroes as they come under false, politically motivated attacks for defending their values.”

There has been so much misinformation about the health care bill, this website is a needed tonic. When was the last time anyone was able to write the phrase “courageous members of Congress”? All these pro-life Democrats, almost by definition, come from districts that are swing districts and they face tough races in November. If people wish to oppose them on the merits, that is their right. But, they should not be opposed on the basis of misinformation. “Whole Life Heroes” is a big step towards exposing that misinformation for what it is, a partisan political attack in pro-life drag.

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