Woes of a Self-Hating Democrat

by Michael Sean Winters

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Sometimes, I hate my own. Recently, this sentiment comes to me when I get an email from the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. They are in fundraising mode, and the issues that open leftie walets are, alas, not my issues. This just came into my inbox:
Michael --

Speaker Boehner and House Republicans have gone way too far.

First, they tried to restrict access to reproductive health care. Then, they proposed catastrophic cuts to teachers, nurses, and researchers. Now the Republicans want to control the news.

In fact, House Republicans announced a vote for TOMORROW to cut all federal funding for National Public Radio.

I suppose the people who will be thrown off of WIC, or who use community health centers, even more the children in Africa who rely on U.S.-funded anti-malaria programs, are not the kind of people who open their wallets for DCCC contributions. But, c'mon. I am all for keeping federal money for NPR. In the event, very little federal dollars go to NPR, but a lot of the money for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting goes to small, rural radio stations without which large swaths of the country will be deprived of a good, often outstanding, news source. But, NPR will survive no matter what the House Republicans do. And, as for women's reproductive health care, well, I am all for that, but I am not going to shed a tear if Planned Parenthood loses its funding.

More importantly, when will the Democrats learn that if they are not talking about jobs and the economy, they are off-message?

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