World Series & Politics

by Michael Sean Winters

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Once it became clear that the Red Sox were not going to make the playoffs this year, my interest waned, except of course to cheer for any team playing against the Yankees.

So, I am inclined to cheer for the Texas Rangers merely because they did the world a favor of sending the Bronx Bombers home early and proving that money may or may not buy love, but it can't always buy a championship. (This point was reinforced last night when the Boston Celtics spanked the Miami Heat!)

But, there is another reason to cheer for the Rangers. San Francisco voters are pretty set in their ways and are unlikely to be moved one way or the other based on their mood. But Texas has several competitive races and the last thing we need is to stoke their anger. So, go Rangers! Chet Edwards will be cheering you on for sure!

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