Yahoo Watch: American Papist

by Michael Sean Winters

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Something must have gotten into the punchbowl at the American Papist's New Year's Eve party. He is the first person to earn a spot on the Yahoo Watch in one week.

He has a post up speculating about the appointment of a new Bishop of Rochester New York.

The Papist is not a fan of the incumbent, Bishop Matthew Clark. But here is how he ends his piece: "If what I’m hearing is confirmed by the Holy Spirit, we’ll know soon enough. In the meantime, let’s pray for the poor souls of Rochester, that their day of liberation from heterodoxy may soon be at hand."

Liberation from "heterodoxy"? That is quite a charge. It does not reflect well on Pope John Paul II to think that he appointed a heterodox bishop. I have not been shy about questioning the actions of bishops who make decision with which I disagree, but I do not believe they are heterodox.

The young Papist is unafraid to level such a strong charge. Perhaps he should examine the canon law he likes to invoke when it suits him and see what it has to say about heterodoxy. Those canons also have something to say about calumny.

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