Yahoo Watch: LeBron James

by Michael Sean Winters

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Okay, so I have held off criticizing LeBron James for abandoning Cleveland for South Beach. Lord knows he is not the first to leave Cleveland for warmer climes, although South Beach is all glitz and little else and I wish he had picked almost any place else. But, it is his life, and he can work and play where he wants.

But, after weeks of not responding to the ciriticism, Mr. James could have come forward with something magnanimous, something gracious, something about how much he loved his time in Cleveland. Instead, he sent out a 'tweet' that read: "Don't think for one minute that I haven't been keeping mental notes of everyone taking shots at me this summer. And I mean everyone." Nice. A dark, threatening tweet. Add me to your list LeBron. When will these guys realize that they are role models for our youth and they need to behave like grow-ups?

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