Yahoo Watch: Serviam's CINO Award

by Michael Sean Winters

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CINO, like RINO, is meant as a call for a particular variety of orthodoxy. The letters stand for "Catholic in Name Only" or "Republican in Name Only." The blog Serviam is having a contest to pick this year's CINO Award winner and I am profoundly honored to recognize that NCR has made the list of finalists, along with Nancy Pelosi, Doug Kmiec, Joe Biden and America magazine.

I am tempted to go and vote for NCR. This is the same crowd that wanted to deny Sen. Kennedy a Catholic funeral and said Cardinal O'Malley spit on Christ for participating in that funeral. This is the same crowd that got out their red and gold pens to write off what the Holy Father said in his encyclical Caritas in Veritate. And, most recently, this is the crowd that thought Pope Benedict was "self-indulgent" when he made his remarks about condoms.

The Catholic Church is many things, but it has never been hospitable to this kind of Jansenism, this "faithful remnant" mentality.

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