Yahoo Watch: Weekly Standard

by Michael Sean Winters

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Over at the Weekly Standard blog, they described the President’s speech on immigration thusly: “Obama gave a speech about another giant, unpopular, ambitious proposed piece of legislation to deal with something that has nothing to do with people's actual, everyday concerns.” Their website notes that the offices of the Weekly Standard are located on 17th Street here in Washington. I invite their editors to come up the street to the 1 p.m. Mass at St. Matthew’s Cathedral on Sunday. Or to one of the Vietnamese or Creole or Spanish Masses at Sacred Heart Church on 16th Street, or to any of the multi-cultural, multi-cultural services at St. Camillus Church in nearby Takoma Park. There they will meet some people who “actual, everyday concerns” include immigration reform. Better yet, they can just stick around in their own offices overnight and see who comes in to clean them. Those cleaners may have documents, but they know someone who doesn’t.
As well, the use of the adjective “another” is telling. Which people did not count saving the economy and passing universal health insurance as “actual, everyday concerns”? The kind of people who work at the Standard I presume: privileged, successful, rich. But, many people, real people, are not privileged, successful or rich. They just clean the offices and homes and yards of those who are.

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