Yet Another Sign of Sanity - ad intra

by Michael Sean Winters

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The voters in Arizona exercised some sanity be recalling a viciously anti-immigrant state senator. And, from San Jose, California comes news, of a more ad intra character, of sanity reigning there. Bishop Patrick McGrath has written to the priests and people of his diocese reaffirming his commitment to permit priests to provide for communion to be distributed under both species at all Masses. The letter comes after the bishops of Phoenix and Madison indicated that the Prescious Blood should not be given to the people at Masses in their diocese. Bishop McGrath cites chapter and verse of why giving the Cup to the people is encourgaed by both the General Instructions of the Roman Missal and the USCCB.
Once again, Bishops Olmsted and Morlino have shown themselves to be outliers, pursuing some kind of agenda that could not appear more out of touch if they tried. Kudos to Bp McGrath for restoring some sanity.

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